Health Insurance for Pregnant Women

Final weeks of pregnancy (Photo credit: storyvillegirl)

If you are pregnant it is important for you to have some type of good health insurance not only for you, but also for your baby. Today it costs approximately six thousand dollars if you have a deliver that is normal, but if you have to have a cesarean you can figure another five thousands dollars added to your bill. In addition, you may have other expenses for tests, lab work, and exams. To make sure that you do not to worry about a huge hospital bill after having a baby you should try to get health insurance before you become pregnant.

If you have health insurance this will pay for prenatal care, the hospital bills, all exams, and postnatal care after the baby is born. It will also cover care for the baby such as pediatric visits, any care the baby might need in the hospital if they are born premature, immunizations, and other expenses.

There are approximately thirteen percent pregnant women in the United States that either do not have health insurance or they are under insured. Many women have a problem getting insurance after they become pregnant because many health insurance companies put pregnancy in a different category and may make the monthly premiums higher than it would be if she were not pregnant or they may have a waiting periods.

If you try to get health insurance quotes after you become pregnant, your policy may not cover the pregnancy because it is considered a pre-existing condition. This means that their regular prenatal check up visits, tests, exams, medications, etc. may not be paid for.

If you do have health insurance and plan on becoming pregnant, make sure that you check with your insurance company about their health care coverage for pregnancy. You may have to pay for an extra premium called a maternity rider if you become pregnant to cover all the pregnancy expenses and expenses for the new baby. Make sure that you know all that this rider covers and if there are any deductibles or restrictions.

If you work for a company that has more than fifteen employees, their health care insurance should cover all medical expenses related to pregnancy according to federal jurisdiction. If there are less than fifteen employees you can ask if there is group health insurance that would cover your pregnancy because group health insurance is cheaper than having an individual plan.

If you are under insured or uninsured there are government assistance programs that can help you with health insurance coverage for pregnancies.

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