How to Set Fees for Your Service Based Business
When you open up a service based business you’ll probably find everything is easy save two things: finding clients; and setting your fees. Today we’re going to talk about setting fees. And trust me when I say I know how tough it is. When I opened up my criminal defense practice one of the hardest things I had to do was figure out what I was going to charge people. The toughest thing about it was that the service itself was pretty amorphous. There isn’t always necessarily a clear winning point – and though you know you are giving what … Read the rest
Tags: Criminal defense lawyer, Defense (legal), Fee (remuneration), Houston, Law, Law firm, Lawyer, Money, services, texas
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Information On Structured Settlements
Structured settlements have been around for quite some time now, decades even. Today, it has again risen to popularity as a settlement option in cases. It is usually the type of settlement that workers and employees receive as compensation for work-related injuries and health problems. Having complete understanding of structured settlement is a must for every yearning claimant.
A structured settlement is designed to allow periodic payment of a claimant until the total amount of settlement funds he is entitled to is depleted. And it could serve several functions to both the claimant and the paying party. First of all, … Read the rest
Tags: Business, Financial Services, insurance, Lump sum, Money, Payment, Plaintiff, Structured settlement, Tax
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Vehicle Maintenance Essentials
Exactly what’s the importance of vehicle maintenance? How essential it is for a vehicle owner or a car driver to do maintenance on his vehicle from time to time? Vehicle maintenance may save you money in general as it would keep your vehicle from any untoward damage, but there’s certainly more reasons why one needs to vitally tune-up their vehicles than just saving a huge wade of bills.
If you don’t know some of the most fundamental reasons why it’s important to maintain your vehicle regularly, here are some of the few that may convince you to do so –… Read the rest
Tags: Auto maintenance, Automobile, Autos, Business and Economy, Defensive driving, essentials, home, maintenance, Maintenance repair and operations, Money, Motor, Save (baseball), Saving, Vehicle
Posted in Automobile | 1 Comment »