Web design
Web Design: WYSIWYG vs. HTML
The WYSIWIG Editor:
WYSIWYG (pronounced as “whizzy whig”), is a website editing program that enables a user who does not have a working knowledge of text coding such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and other markup languages. The acronym means “What You See Is What You Get”. Such program features a “drag-and-drop” interface that lets anyone design websites like a pro.
Although the easy manageability of WYSIWIG benefits most beginners and inexperienced users, it also poses a few disadvantages that other web designers frown upon. The following can be found in the “cons” area of WYSIWIG:
· Websites designed using … Read the rest
Tags: Cascading Style Sheets, Google, html, JavaScript, PHP, Web design, Web page, Website, wysiwyg
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